Wednesday, February 06, 2008

UFO DATA Magazine - Jan/Feb 2008

The Jan/Feb, 2008, issue of UFO DATA Magazine is out now and it’s another packed issue. Everybody on the team would like to thank you all for contributing towards the magazine’s success in the last two years and into the future.

David Cayton looks at a UFO case involving the RAF from 1957.

Russel Callaghan talks with Martin Stubbs about the importance of his video collection

Philip Mantle puts the lid on events in an interview with the magical

Nick Pope finishes off his article from last issue, asking, "If Roswell Happened Today...?"

Our new Co-Editor Gary Heseltine presents his 6th PRUFOS Police UFO Sightings Report...

Plus all the usual news, reviews and correspondence from this fabulous world of ufology.

Subscribe now by dropping us a line at:

UFO DATA Magazine,
PO Box 280,
West Yorkshire,
LS26 1AN

You can also subscribe via our secure, online store, which can be found at