Sunday, February 04, 2007

Strange, Bright Object Photographed Over Leeds, UK

On Thursday, February 1st, 2007, a video recorded on a cameraphone was sent to Russel Callaghan at UFOData Magazine. It also appeared on local BBC TV news programme, Look North.

The clip can be found at:

By a remarkable stroke of fortune, UFOData Magazine researcher and features writer, Sacha Christie saw the object and took a great photograph (close-up enclosed). It can be found in the 'General UFO Discussion' section of the UFOData Forum ( )

The clip was shown for a second time the following night and that clip can be found at

Enquiries have been made into what this could be, including contacting RAF Fylingdales, and UFOData Magazine will publish the findings when we learn more. It could be a piece of debris entering the Earth's atmosphere, either natural or man-made.

The object is somewhat similar to what was photographed in Wales in 2003. That was initially thought to be a meteor or bolide exploding in the atmosphere and it made the Astronomy Picture of the Day for 1st October, 2003. That was eventually explained as an aeroplane contrail illuminated by the setting sun. What was seen today, however, does not seem to be the same, as the object was seen to move across the sky.

Hopefully more answers will emerge soon.


Steve Johnson
Features Writer
UFOData Magazine

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