Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Monday, April 16, 2012

UFO News - 16th April, 2012

Back in the Day - April 9, 1972: Credible witness writes of Wanaque UFOs
Bantam Lake UFO sighting reports have residents buzzing; some want officials to investigate
St. Petersburg Mystery Lights Russian Military Alien False Flag Event?
Unknown Objects Observed/Photographed over South Africa
Three Objects Stacked on Top of Each Other in Nevada
UFO Sighting Filmed from Plane, London-NY Flight

Footnote:If you search for UFO stories on the web, you'll notice that I don't include stories from 'Gather' and 'Canadian National Newspaper'. Both of these sources often publish UFO stories, but on numerous occasions, my anti-virus software has blocked attempted intrusions from these websites. So that's why I don't include links from those two sources any more.
Sorry if this causes any inconvenience.
- Steve

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

UFO News - 11th April, 2012

Did aliens visit Odisha weeks ahead of India's Independence?
Mid-Columbia, where UFOs are born
Alien hunting
Russia News Covers April 9, 2012, St. Petersburg UFOs
Puzzling UFO-Like Lights Over City Confuse Residents
UFO sighting filmed from airplane a CGI or Mayan end of world prophecy?
UFO sighting in Southern California diamond-shaped
Diamond-Shaped UFO Hums Over Southern California, Motorist Says
Did NASA Cover Up This UFO Sighting From the Space Shuttle Atlantis?
UFO's making NM top tourist spot
UFO video shot over South Korea: Is it fact or fake?
Mysterious lights in sky prompt UFO talk
Mirage Men: documentary on UFOs as manufactured myth
Silent lights reported moving over Huntington Station
UFO convention more like family reunion
Two, Unknown Objects Seen over Oakley, California
2012 & Beyond Alien ET UFO Community - To be or not to be?
Unknown Flying Craft Seen over Stillwater, Oklahoma
Unknown Object Photographed over Field in England
Could UFOs and City's Early Beginnings be Linked?
Just the Facts?: Alien Holiday Visit -- Cop 'Vaporized' During Traffic Stop -- Dolphin Death Mystery
Chile: Regarding "Military Secrecy"
Argentina: Pujato Field Owner Dismisses UFO Involvement
Argentina: VISION OVNI Looks Into Strange Pujato Ground Traces
Humanoid visitors from beyond our time and space